Milad Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA 1442H

On milad raat of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA, Monday 5 July (27th raat Zilqadatil Haraam), Al-Maula al-Ajal Mazoon ud Dawatil Gharra Syedi wa Maulaya Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB will preside over Milad Majlis. Live broadcast will begin at 10:30pm Hong Kong time on Monday 5 July. Please join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 94839897197).

Mumineen who cannot attend on Zoom are encouraged to follow the amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, including tilawat of:

Mumineen may also wish to read:

Urus Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin RA (43rd Dai) 1442H

On Urus Mubarak of Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin RA (43rd Dai) and Syedna Abduttaiyeb Zakiuddin RA (35th Dai), on Sunday 20 June 2021 (12th raat Zilqad al-Haraam), Al-Maula al-Ajal Mazoon ud Dawatil Gharra Syedi wa Maulaya Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB will preside over Urus Majlis. Live broadcast will begin at 10:15pm Hong Kong time on Sunday 20 June. Please join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 94839897197).

Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin RA truly embodied the Quran’ic Ayat ‘fa inna ma’al ‘usri yusra, inna ma’al ‘usri yusra.’ At the tender age of twelve, he lost his father, but was then raised and trained by his elder brother Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin. After appointing his brother Syedi Abdulqadir Hakimuddin QR as Mazoon and Mansoos, he was devastated when Syedi Hakimuddin passed away, saying that one ‘like him’ had passed away. Learn how Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin RA overcame this and other challenges and proved the enemies of Dawat wrong…

On this mubarak miqaat, mumineen who cannot attend on Zoom are encouraged to follow amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, including qasida mubaraka Saiful Huda Saiful Imam-e-shahir composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA , and a salaam written in Dawat Zabaan containing zikr of Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin RA’s shanaat.

Urus Syedi Abdulqadir Hakimuddin QR 1442H

On the Urus Mubarak of Syedi Abdulqadir Hakimuddin QR, on 27mi raat Shawwal al-Mukarram (corresponding to Monday 7 June 2021), Al-Maula al-Ajal Mazoon ud Dawatil Gharra Syedi wa Maulai Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB will preside over Urus Majlis. Live broadcast will begin at 9:45pm Hong Kong time. Please join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 94839897197).

Mumineen who are unable to join on Zoom are encouraged to follow the amal details on the Fatemi Dawat website, where the following resources are available:

Ramadan al-Muazzam 1442H

This year, due to the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic and the Hong Kong government social distancing guidelines, mumineen should engage in ibadat at home and not gather at markaz. Amal details including wasila videos and doa audios for faazil raato, Lailatul Qadr, and Eid ul-Fitr will be available on the Fatemi Dawat website ( or by contacting us. Resources available online include:

Other resources:

19mi Ramadan Waaz Live Relay of Syedna Fakhruddin TUS waaz from Bakersfield, California

Shehrullah Doas with Translations (playlist of 10 videos)

What is meaning of Lailatul Qadr? (English video)

What is the meaning of Eid? (English video)

Daily Zikr – Reflections from Munajaat | Shehrullah 1442H

Lailatul Qadr Munajaat 1442H Fehwa Bayaan

Urus Maulatuna Hurratul Malika QR 1442H

On the Urus Mubarak of Maulatuna Hurratul Malika QR, on 22mi raat Shabaan al-Kareem (3 April 2021), Urus Majlis will be held at markaz at 7:15pm.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, mumineen in Hong Kong are requested to stay at home and join remotely. Details on how to attend the majlis remotely from your home in Hong Kong are available by contacting us.

Mumineen who cannot join the majlis are encouraged to follow the amal details on the Fatemi Dawat website.

Additional resources are available as under:

Laylatun Nisf – Thumm Washeq 1442H

On the mubarak occasion of Laylatun Nisf, Shab-e-Baraat, on 15mi raat Shabaan al-Kareem (Saturday 27 March 2021), mumineen in Hong Kong are encouraged to stay at home and pray Thumm Washeq and then listen to wasila mubaraka audio recording of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS.

Mumineen are encouraged to follow the amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, where washeq niyyat, doas, and wasila recording are available.

Mumineen are also encouraged to read the English translation of the doa that is prayed after Shab-e-Baraat Washeq (translated by Shzd. Dr Bazat Tahera bensaheba) and also read the Sijill article on the significance and meaning of the “thumm washeq” namaaz.

Yawme Mab’as 1442H

On Yawme Mab’as, 27 Rajab ul-Asab (Wednesday 10 March 2021) mumineen, including children, will do rozu to celebrate the beginning of Islam and the many ihsaans and blessings of our Nabi Mustafa SAW. Mumineen are also encouraged to recite the qasida Tahan Nabiyul Mustafa Khairul Wara composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and presented with a translation in English.

Mumineen should stay at home and follow the amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website on Yawme Mab’as. Mumineen may watch the recording of Syedi Mazoon Saheb AAB majlis and bayan from last year, 1441H on Yawme Mabas:

Bayan recordings from Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS Mab’as waaz mubarak from 1437H are also available and mumineen are encouraged to watch them and gather barakaat:

Lailatul Me’raj 1442H

On the mubarak miqaat of Lailatul Me’raj, on Tuesday 9 March 2021 (27th raat Rajab ul-Asab), mumineen are encouraged to stay at home and pray Washeq namaaz and then listen to Wasila audio recording of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS.

Please follow the amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website which include the washeq niyyat and wasila recording.

Urus Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA (47th Dai) 1442H

On Urus Mubarak of Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA (47th Dai), on Monday 8 March 2021 (26th raat Rajab ul-Asab), Urs Majlis will be held at 8:30pm.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, mumineen in Hong Kong are requested to stay at home and join remotely. Details on how to attend the majlis remotely from your home in Hong Kong are available by contacting us.

On this mubarak miqaat, mumineen who cannot participate in the majlis are encouraged to follow amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, including qasida mubaraka Saqa Naw’un Minataqdeese Ramsa composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA , and a salaam written in Dawat Zabaan containing zikr of Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA’s shanaat.

Ayyamul Barakatil Khuldiyah 1442H

17mi and 18mi Raat (27 and 28 February)

During Ayyamul Barakatil Khuldiyah 1442H, the urs ayyam of Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb RA, the 51st Dai al-Mutlaq, on 17th and 18th raat Rajab ul-Asab (27 and 28 February), mumineen should do Khatmul Qur’an and recite qasida mubaraka and marsiya as per the amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website.

19mi Raat (1 March)

Al-Maula al-Ajal Mazoon ud Dawatil Gharra Syedi wa Maulai Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB will preside over Urus Majlis on the occasion of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA Urus Mubarak, on 19mi Raat (1 March). Live broadcast will begin at 9:30pm Hong Kong time. Please join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 94839897197, Passcode: 5354).

19th Rajab (2 March)

With the raza mubarak of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS, a 27 minute excerpt of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA waaz mubarak has been published on YouTube. On the auspicious occasion of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA Urus Mubarak, Mumineen should listen to the waaz mubarak and take barakat: