Urus Syedna Hatim bin Ibrahim RA (3rd Dai) 1443H

On Urus Raat of Syedna Hatim bin Ibrahim RA (3rd Dai), 16th raat Moharram ul-Haraam (Monday 23 August 2021), Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz will be held at markaz, followed by Khatmul Quran and Darees Majlis.

For those who are unable to attend at markaz, amal details are available including qasida mubaraka Naseemas Saba Yammim Zara Hatimil Jadwa composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA with audio recording and also a salaam written in Dawat Zabaan containing zikr of Syedna Hatim RA’s shanaat and the historic events in his reign. A detailed biography in English of Syedna Hatim RA is also available.

Ashara Mubaraka 1443H Programme

In 1443H, al Dai-l-Ajal al-Fatemi Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will deliver Ashara Mubaraka waaz at Darus Sakina in Bakersfield, California and it will be relayed worldwide insha’allah.

It is indeed a great ne’mat to receive these barakaat from the Dai of Imam-uz-zamaan. It strengthens and rejuvenates our spirits for the upcoming year and increases our darajaat in Aakherat.

Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS waaz mubarak will be relayed live from 2nd Muharram – 9th Muharram, daily at 11:30am:

Waaz 1 – 2nd Muharram (10 Aug)

Waaz 2 – 3rd Muharram (11 Aug)

Waaz 3 – 4th Muharram (12 Aug)

Waaz 4 – 5th Muharram (13 Aug)

Waaz 5 – 6th Muharram (14 Aug)

Waaz 6 – 7th Muharram (15 Aug)

Waaz 7 – 8th Muharram (16 Aug)

Waaz 8 – 9th Muharram (17 Aug)

Lailate Ashura (17 Aug)

On Lailate Ashura, mumineen should watch the matam majlis and bayan mubarak of Syedi Mazoon Saheb Dr. Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB, from last year, 1442H:

Yawme Ashura (18 Aug)

Mumineen should observe ‘laagan’ on Aashura day. The full day should be spent in remembrance and mourning, in any spare time Mumineen should pray Ya Sayyida al-Shuhadaa’i marsiya and Fulkul Husain and do tasbeeh of Imam Husain SA 128 times (as per the adad of Husain – just as Ali is 110).

Syedna TUS has graciously granted raza for last year’s 10th Muharram morning waaz to be published on YouTube (1 hour 48 minutes):


After zohr tawassul namaz, mumineen should listen to wasila mubaraka of Syedi Mukasir Saheb AAB from 1442H:

Syedna TUS has graciously granted raza for last year’s 10th Muharram Maqtal Bayan to be published on YouTube (2 hours):

Mumineen Muminaat listening and attending the waaz digitally should do so observing the adab and etiquette it deserves – the same adab and etiquette they would observe if attending in person. This is a great ne’mat and Maulana has graciously granted raza for digital participation given the exceptional circumstances.

Live Marsiya Raat Majlis

Imam Husain SA Marsiya & Noha majlis will be held every night at 10:00pm from 2nd raat of Muharram (Mon 9 August) till 9th raat of Muharram (Mon 16 August). Mumineen can join via Zoom.

This program has been organized so that Mumineen can congregate virtually and take barakaat in these auspicious days of Ashara Mubaraka and remember Imam Husain SA.

Urus Syedna Husamuddin (48th Dai) and Syedna Burhanuddin (49th Dai) 1442H

On Urs Mubarak of Syedna Abdul Husain Husamuddin RA (48th Dai) and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA (49th Dai), 27th Zilhijjatil Haraam, Al-Maula al-Ajal Mazoon ud Dawatil Gharra Syedi wa Maulaya Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB will preside over Urus Majlis on Urus Mubarak Raat. Live broadcast will begin at 10:15pm Hong Kong time on Wednesday 4 August on Zoom (Meeting ID: 94839897197).

For those who cannot join on Zoom, amal details are available including qasida mubaraka Salaamun ‘ala Da’iyay zil jalaali composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA with English translation and audio recording and also a salaam written in Dawat Zabaan containing zikr of the two Dais’ shanaat and the historic events in their reign: