Ashara Mubaraka Waaz Excerpts 1439H

Shorter Excerpt videos available as under:

For further information including photos and daily waaz summaries in English, Dawat Zaban, Hindi and Gujarati, please visit the Fatemi Dawat Ashara website.

Ashara Mubaraka 1439H

Al-Dai al-Fatemi, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will insha’allah perform Ashara Mubaraka waaz at Darus Sakina, Mumbai. Huzurala TUS has graciously granted raza for the first three waaz mubarak on Friday 2nd Moharram, Saturday 3rd Moharram, and Sunday 4th Moharram to be relayed live worldwide, and is also available for replay. On the remaining days, waaz of Shz Aziz bhaisaheb Qutbuddin will be relayed live from Bakersfield, USA, starting on Tuesday 6th Moharram at 8:00am Hong Kong time daily, and will also be available for replay.

Videos available as under:

Mumineen who are not able to attend Ashara with Huzurala TUS in Mumbai are encouraged to take barakaat by listening to waaz relay daily at their homes.

For further information regarding waaz relay and Ashara, please visit the Fatemi Dawat website for programme details. Insha’allah photos, videos, and waaz summaries will also be posted on the website.

Urus Syedna Husamuddin (48th Dai) and Syedna Burhanuddin (49th Dai) 1438H

On Urs Raat of Syedna Abdul Husain Husamuddin RA (48th Dai) and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA (49th Dai), 27th raat Zilhajjatil Haraam (Sunday 17 September): Maghrib Imamat Namaaz to be followed by Majlis and Niyaz Jaman.

For those who are unable to participate at markaz, amal details are available including qasida mubaraka Salaamun ‘ala Da’iyay zil jalaali composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA with English translation and audio recording and also a salaam written in Dawat Zabaan containing zikr of the two Dais’ shanaat and the historic events in their reign.

Yawme Ghadir-e-Khum 1438H

On Yawme Eid e-Ghadeer e-Khum, 18 Zilhajjatil Haraam (9 September): shukran lillah namaaz, Zohr Imamat Namaaz and wasila mubaraka to be followed by Majlis. On this day, mumineen will also do rozu.

For those who are unable to participate at markaz with imamat, amal details are available including rozu niyyat, ghusul, niyyat for shukran lillah namaaz, wasila mubaraka recording, and al Yawma Eidu Ghadeer e Khummi qasida with English translation and audio recording.

Resources for Eid e-Ghadeer e-Khumm

It is the firm belief of any mumin that it was on Ghadeer-e-Khumm that Rasulullah SAW’s deen was perfected and completed by his command of walayat towards his wasiyy, Maulana Ali AS. It was on this day that all shi’a believe that Rasulullah SAW proclaimed nass upon Maulana Ali AS. Mumineen believe the word of Rasulullah SAW on this matter to be final, and that indeed this nass was commanded by Allah Ta’ala.

Yet, today there exist so-called believers in Maulana Ali AS who question the finality of nass, those who believe that the command of Allah Ta’ala is subject to abrogation. To such people, ask the question: Is it possible that Rasulullah SAW’s nass on Maulana Ali AS could have been revoked or changed? Was the nass at Ghadeer-e-Khumm not final?

Eid ul Adha Raat 1438H

On Eid ul-Adha raat 10th raat Zilhajj (31 August), mumineen will gather for Maghrib/Isha Imamat namaaz followed by washeq namaaz and wasila mubaraka recording of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA. Namaaz to be followed by niyaz jaman.

Mumineen who cannot attend at markaz are encouraged to follow the amal details on the Fatemi Dawat website.

Yawme Arafa 1438H

On Yawmul Arafa 9th Zilhajj (31 August), mumineen in Hong Kong will gather for Zohr/Asr Imamat namaaz and do tilawat of doas by Syedna al-Mu’ayyad al-Shirazi RA and Imam Ali Zainul Aabedeen SA followed by wasila mubaraka recording of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA.

Mumineen who cannot attend at markaz are encouraged to follow the amal details on the Fatemi Dawat website.

Milad Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA 1438H

On milad raat of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA, 18 August (27th raat Zilqad), Milad Majlis will be held, followed by niyaz jaman.

Mumineen who cannot attend at markaz are encouraged to follow the amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, including tilawat of: