Lailatul Me’raj 1440H

On the mubarak miqaat of Lailatul Me’raj, on Monday 1 April 2019 (27th raat Rajab ul-Asab), Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz will be held at markaz, to be followed by Washeq namaaz and Wasila audio recording of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA. Namaaz will be followed by niyaz jaman.

Those who are unable to participate at markaz are encouraged to follow the amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, which are available in both English and Dawat ni-zabaan:

Urus Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA (47th Dai) 1440H

On Urus Mubarak of Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA (47th Dai), on Sunday 31 March 2019 (26th Rajab ul-Asab) maghrib/isha imamat namaaz will be held at markaz, followed by Urs Majlis and niyaz jaman.

On this mubarak miqaat, mumineen who cannot attend at markaz are encouraged to follow amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, including qasida mubaraka Saqa Naw’un Minataqdeese Ramsa composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA , and a salaam written in Dawat Zabaan containing zikr of Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA’s shanaat.

Ayyamul Barakatil Khuldiyah 1440H

During Ayyamul Barakatil Khuldiyah 1440H, on 17th and 18th raat Rajab ul-Asab, mumineen are encouraged to follow amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website.

On Lailatul Urs, Sunday 19th raat Rajab ul-Asab (24 March 2019), maghrib/isha imamat namaaz will be held at markaz, followed by urs majlis and niyaz jaman.

On urs raat, mumineen who cannot attend at markaz should follow amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website.

Ayyamul Beez Das Surat 1440H

On Thursday 21 March 2019 (15th Rajab ul-Asab), Salatuz Zawal / Das Surat will be recited, and namaaz will commence at 12:35pm.

On this mubarak miqaat, mumineen who cannot attend at markaz are encouraged to follow amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website.

You may also read the Sijill article Ayyamul Beez: The Days of the Full Moon – Days of Supplication and Prayer about the signifance and meaning of rozu and namaz during these three days.

Milad Mubarak of Maulana Ali AS 1440H

On Milad Mubarak of Maulana Ali AS, maghrib/isha Imamat namaaz, milad majlis and niyaz Jaman will be held at markaz on Monday 18 March 2019 (13th raat Rajab ul-Asab).

Mumineen who are unable to partcipate at markaz may follow the amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, including:

  • Mumineen should recite ‘Asamiyyazilqasida mubaraka composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA (presented with English translation).
  • Mumineen should recite “Mazhar Chhe Bhala” composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA
  • Mumineen should recite, “Sheh Mawlood-e-Ka’aba na milad chhe” madeh composed in 1439H by Yaqquta Dawatil Haqq Shehzadi Dr Tahera Bensaab

Urus Syedna Noor Mohammed Nooruddin RA (37th Dai) 1440H

On Urus Mubarak of Syedna Noor Mohammed Nooruddin RA (37th Dai), Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz will be held at markaz, followed by Urs Majlis and Niyaz Jaman on Saturday 9 March 2018 (4th raat Rajab ul-Asab).

On this mubarak miqaat, mumineen who cannot attend at markaz are encouraged to follow amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, including qasida mubaraka Ya Noora Din il Huda composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA , and a salaam written in Dawat Zabaan containing zikr of Syedna Noor Mohammed Nooruddin RA’s shanaat and the historic events in his time is also available. A detailed biography in English of Syedna Noor Mohammed Nooruddin RA is also available.

Urus Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed RA (32nd Dai) 1440H

On the urus mubarak of Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed RA, 27th Jumadil Ukhra (4 March) mumineen are encouraged to follow the amal details on the Fatemi Dawat website, including tilawat of:

  • Qasida: Alayka Salaam-ul-laahe ya Qutub-al-Huda composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and presented with English translation
  • Marsiya: Ya Qutba Dinillahi composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA
  • Salaam composed by Shzd Dr Bazat Tahera bensaheba in shaan of Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed RA
  • Hadisa of Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed RA by Syedi Sadiq Ali Saheb

Mumineen may also take benefit from an English-language biographical article about the paak seerat and shahadat of Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed RA.

Urus Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA (53rd Dai) 1440H

On the urus mubarak of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA (53rd Dai) and Syedna Ismail Badruddin RA (34th Dai), 23rd Jumadil Ukhra (28 February) mumineen are encouraged to follow the amal details (Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA, Syedna Ismail Badruddin RA) on the Fatemi Dawat website.

On Urus Raat, 23rd raat Jumadil Ukhra (Wednesday 27 February): Maghrib/Isha Namaaz will be held at markaz to be followed by Urs Majlis and Niyaz Jaman.

Relay of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS’ waaz will also be made available via the Fatemi Dawat website.

Maulatena Fatema AS Shahadat 1440H

On Maulatena Fatema AS shahadat raat, 10th raat Jumadil Ula (Tuesday 15 January), Maghrib/Isha imamat namaaz will be held at markaz followed by Majlis and Niyaz Jaman.

For those who are unable to participate at markaz, amal details are available including:

Sijill article Fatemi Da’i – Fatemi Da’wat is also available for reading on this occasion, as well as Maulatena Fatema AS khutba delivered after Rasulullah SAW’s wafaat, translated into English.