Milad Mubarak Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA (52nd Dai) 1441H

On Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA (52nd Dai) Milad Mubarak, 20th raat Rabi ul-Aakhar (Monday 16 December), qasida tilawat will be held at markaz after Maghrib/Isha namaaz.

Mumineen who are unable to attend are encouraged to follow the amal details which are available and recite the following:

Milad Imam uz-Zamaan 1441H

On Milad Imam uz-Zamaan AS, 4th raat Rabi ul-Aakhar (Saturday 30 November): Qasida & Madeh tilawat will be held at markaz after Maghrib/Isha Namaaz, followed by Niyaz Khushi Jaman.

For those who are unable to participate at markaz, amal details are available including qasida mubaraka Milaadu Maulanal-Imamit-Tayyibi composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA with English translation, and a madeh composed by Shzd. Dr Bazat Tahera Bensaheba.

An English language article about The Philosophy of Celebrating Milad of Imam-uz-Zaman is available on the Fatemi Dawat website.

Urus Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA (52nd Dai) 1441H

During Tabarrukaatu Ayyamil Urus, the Urs Ayyam of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, mumineen are encouraged to do Khatmul Quran on 14th raat and 15th raat Rabi ul-Awwal (Sunday 10 and Monday 11 November).

On 16th raat Rabi ul-Awwal (Tuesday 12 November), there will be Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz at markaz, followed by Urs Majlis, Darees and Niyaz Jaman.

For those who are unable to participate at markaz, amal details are available including qasida mubaraka and many marsiyas composed in remembrance of Syedna Burhanuddin RA.

Miladun Nabi 1441H

On Miladun Nabi SAW, 12th raat Rabi ul-Awwal (Friday 8 November), Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz will be held at markaz, followed by Niyaz Khushi Jaman and live relay of Milad Majlis from Darus Sakina, Mumbai, from where Mazoon-e-Dawat Syedi wa Maulaya Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB will deliver bayaan mubarak.

For those who are unable to participate at markaz, amal details are available including qasida mubaraka Tahan-nabiyyul Mustafa Khayrul Wara composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA with English translation, and qasida mubaraka Salla Ala Mohammadin Rabbohu composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA with translations and audio recording.

English language articles about The Eid of Milaad and a historical article about the Prophet Mohammed’s life are available on the Fatemi Dawat website.

Relay of Mazoon-e-Dawat Syedi wa Maulaya Abdeali Bhaisaheb Saifuddin AAB bayaan mubarak is available below:

Imam Hasan AS Shahadat Majlis 1441H

On Imam Hasan AS shahadat raat, 28th raat Safar ul-Muzaffar (Saturday 26 October), Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz will be held at markaz followed by Majlis and Niyaz Jaman.

For those who are unable to participate at markaz, amal details are available including qasida mubaraka Aba Mohammadal Hasan composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA with English translation, and a marsiya written in Dawat Zabaan Ay Hasan Ay Nabi na Piyaara is also available with audio recording.

Alternatively, mumineen may watch the recording of majlis from Darus Sakina, 1438H:

Chehlum 1441H

On Chehlum, 20th raat Safar ul-Muzaffar (Friday 18 October): Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz at markaz to be followed Niyaz Jaman, and live relay of Syedi Mukasir Saheb AAB waaz from Darus Sakina, Mumbai.

Mumineen who are unable to participate are encouraged to follow the below amal details:

Urus Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed 1441H

On Urus Raat of Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed QR, 27th raat Moharram ul-Haraam (Wednesday 25 September): Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz will be held at markaz to be followed by Urs Majlis and Niyaz Jaman.

For those who are unable to participate at markaz, amal details are available including qasida mubaraka Salaamun ‘Alayka a Fakhral Huda composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA with English translation and audio recording and also a salaam written in Dawat Zabaan containing zikr of Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed QR’s shanaat and the historic events in his time. A detailed biography in English of Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed QR is also available.

Ashara Mubaraka 1441H

Al-Dai al-Fatemi, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will insha’allah perform Ashara Mubaraka waaz at Darus Sakina, Mumbai. Huzurala TUS has graciously granted raza for the first three waaz mubarak on Sunday 2nd Moharram, Monday 3rd Moharram, and Tuesday 4th Moharram to be relayed live worldwide, in Hong Kong the local time for live relay is 7:00pm.

All three of these waaz will be relayed live at markaz and will also be available online for replay.

Videos available as under:

Mumineen who are not able to attend Ashara with Huzurala TUS in Mumbai are encouraged to take barakaat by listening to waaz relay daily at their homes.

For further information regarding waaz relay and Ashara, please visit the Fatemi Dawat website for programme details. Insha’allah photos, videos, and waaz summaries will also be posted on the website.

Urus Syedna Husamuddin (48th Dai) and Syedna Burhanuddin (49th Dai) 1440H

On Urs Raat of Syedna Abdul Husain Husamuddin RA (48th Dai) and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA (49th Dai), 27th raat Zilhajjatil Haraam (Tuesday 27 September), after Maghrib/Isha Namaaz there will be Urs Majlis at markaz followed by Niyaz Jaman.

For those who are unable to participate at markaz, amal details are available including qasida mubaraka Salaamun ‘ala Da’iyay zil jalaali composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA with English translation and audio recording and also a salaam written in Dawat Zabaan containing zikr of the two Dais’ shanaat and the historic events in their reign.