On Milad Mubarak of Maulana Ali AS, Milad majlis will be held at markaz on Saturday 7 March 2020 (13th Rajab ul-Asab), at 5:45pm. Majlis will be followed by maghrib/isha imamat namaaz, iftari, and niyaz jaman.
Mumineen who are unable to partcipate at markaz may follow the amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, including:
- Mumineen should recite ‘Asamiyyazil’ qasida mubaraka composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA (presented with English translation).
- Mumineen should recite “Mazhar Chhe Bhala” composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA
- Mumineen should recite, “Sheh Mawlood-e-Ka’aba na milad chhe” madeh composed in 1439H by Yaqquta Dawatil Haqq Shehzadi Dr Tahera Bensaab