Urus Maulatuna Hurratul Malika RA 1439H

On the Urus Mubarak of Maulatuna Hurratul Malika RA, on 22mi raat Shabaan al-Kareem (Sunday 6 May 2018), Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz will be held at markaz followed by Urs Majlis and niyaz jaman.

Mumineen who are unable to attend at markaz are encouraged to follow the amal details on the Fatemi Dawat website, where the following resources are available:

Laylatun Nisf – Shab-e-Baraat 1439H

On the mubarak occasion of Laylatun Nisf, Shab-e-Baraat, on 15mi raat Shabaan al-Kareem (Sunday 29 April 2018), Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz will be held at markaz followed by Washeq namaaz, wasila and niyaz jaman.

Mumineen who cannot attend at markaz at encouraged to follow the amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, where washeq niyyat, doas, and wasila recording are available.

Mumineen are also encouraged to read the English translation of the doa that is prayed after Shab-e-Baraat Washeq (translated by Shzd. Dr Bazat Tahera bensaheba) and also read the Sijill article on the significance and meaning of the “thumm washeq” namaaz.

Yawmul Mab’as 1439H

On Yawmul Mab’as, 27 Rajab ul-Asab (Thursday 12 April) mumineen, including children, will do rozu to celebrate the beginning of Islam and the many ihsaans and blessings of our Nabi Mustafa SAW. Mumineen are also encouraged to recite the qasida Tahan Nabiyul Mustafa Khairul Wara composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and presented with a translation in English.

With karam and ehsan, Syedna Fakhruddin TUS has granted raza for a recording of his waaz mubarak from Yawmul Mab’as 1438H in Bakersfield played worldwide for those who cannot attend waaz in Thane. Mumineen are encouraged to watch this waaz recording on Yawmul Mab’as.

Qasida tilawat and waaz recording playback will commence at markaz at 9:00am.

Lailatul Me’raj 1439H

On the mubarak miqaat of Lailatul Me’raj, on Wednesday 11 April 2018 (27th raat Rajab ul-Asab), Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz will be held at markaz, to be followed by Washeq namaaz and Wasila audio recording of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA. Namaaz will be followed by niyaz jaman.

Those who are unable to participate at markaz are encouraged to follow the amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, which are available in both English and Dawat ni-zabaan:

Urus Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA (47th Dai) 1439H

On Urus Mubarak of Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA (47th Dai), Urs Majlis will be held at 6:00pm on Wednesday 11 April 2018 (26th Rajab ul-Asab) at markaz.

On this mubarak miqaat, mumineen who cannot attend at markaz are encouraged to follow amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website, including qasida mubaraka Saqa Naw’un Minataqdeese Ramsa composed by Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA , and a salaam written in Dawat Zabaan containing zikr of Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin RA’s shanaat.

Ayyamul Barakatil Khuldiyah 1439H

During Ayyamul Barakatil Khuldiyah 1439H, majlis will be held on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd April, following Maghrib/Isha Imamat Namaaz (17th, 18th, and 19th raat Rajab ul-Asab), followed by niyaz jaman.

On this mubarak miqaat, mumineen who cannot attend at markaz are encouraged to follow amal details posted on the Fatemi Dawat website.