During the mubarak ayyam of Naseemu Barakaatil-Ursil-Mubarak and the urus mubarak of Syedna Ismail Badruddin RA (34th Dai), 23rd Jumadil Ukhra (17 February 2020) mumineen are encouraged to follow the amal details (Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA, Syedna Ismail Badruddin RA) on the Fatemi Dawat website:
On 21st raat Jumadil Ukhra (Friday 14 February): Maghrib/Isha Namaaz will be held at markaz to be followed by Khatmul Quran Majlis and Niyaz Jaman.
On 22nd raat Jumadil Ukhra (Saturday 15 February): Maghrib/Isha Namaaz will be held at markaz to be followed by Khatmul Quran Majlis and Niyaz Jaman.
On Urus Raat, 23rd raat Jumadil Ukhra (Sunday 16 February): Maghrib/Isha Namaaz will be held at markaz to be followed by Urs Majlis, Niyaz Jaman and live waaz relay of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS’ waaz mubarak.
Mumineen who are located in Hong Kong and unable to attend at markaz due to the current Covid-19 outbreak may also attend urs majlis on 23rd raat via two-way videoconference. Please contact us for details of how to attend via two-way videoconference.
Relay of Syedna TUS’ waaz mubarak will also be made available via YouTube: