On Yawme Eid e-Ghadeer e-Khum, 18 Zilhajjatil Haraam (Sunday 17 July), mumineen should pray shukran lillah namaaz, Zohr Namaaz and listen to wasila mubaraka. On this day, mumineen will also do rozu.
Zohr Asr Namaaz will be held at markaz, after which we will take barakaat of live broadcast of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS Waaz Mubarak, and then renew our Misaaq to Syedna TUS.
Amal details are available including rozu niyyat, ghusul, niyyat for shukran lillah namaaz, wasila mubaraka recording, and al Yawma Eidu Ghadeer e Khummi qasida with English translation and audio recording.
Live Waaz Mubarak Relay
Al-Dai al-Fatemi Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS will deliver Waaz Mubarak on Eid e Ghadeer e Khum, insha’Allah, at 1:30pm Hong Kong time:
Live Misaq Majlis Relay
It is a tradition that on the day of Eid-e-Ghadeer-e-Khum each Mumin renews their Misaaq. For those not in Mumbai, Syedna Fakhruddin TUS has graciously granted raza for Misaaq through Zoom. Misaaq will be held immediately after Waaz Mubarak. To participate in Misaaq on Zoom, please contact us.
Resources for Eid e-Ghadeer e-Khumm
- Fatemi Madrasa – Ghadeer e Khumm, a collection of Qur’anic ayats and hadith related to this mubarak day
- Eid-e-Ghadeer-Khum Celebrations in the time of the Fatemi Imams in Cairo
- Sijill 35) The Significance of Eid-e-Ghadeer-e-Khum
- Sijill 86) The Principle & Legacy of the Nass of Ghadeer
- Al Yawma Eidu Ghadeer e Khummi qasida with audio and English translation